Tuesday, April 14, 2009


How are you doing today? If I were to ask you that simple question, many of you would respond with the same answer. “Good”. Regardless of how you really feel, regardless of what’s going on in your life, it seems to always be our response.
Good, has replaced the mediocre. It seems to stand in second place to “Great”, or “fantastic”. It means that you have nothing wonderful to speak of. How was your day at school? Good. How was work? Good. How was church this morning? Good.
It’s no wonder that we don’t get excited when we hear David say in Psalms 119 that God is good and His plans are good. We have watered down that powerful word.
When the creator God was creating the heavens and the earth out of nothing the Bible says that it was dark, formless and empty. God in his majesty created for the first time a mind boggling glow that He called light. When God saw what He had just created only one word was used to describe it, “GOOD”.
God then took the formless blob and molded it into exactly what it needed to be. He separated the land from the water and created it all too perfectly work together to bring life. When he looked at His creation, He saw that it was, “GOOD”.
On the third day God said, “Let land produce vegetation”. He created all plants and seeds that brought oxygen and fed the animals that were soon to come. They would later be used as a tool of teaching by His Son Jesus, and even the very tree that was used to kill the Son of God was created and thru it all God used that one word to describe the miracle. “GOOD”.
God made day and night, sun and moon and called it Good. He created all the creatures of land and sea and said it was good. Then once all of creation was finished and working perfectly together in a way that thousands of years of scientist would not be able to fathom, God looked at His masterpiece and used that one word, “GOOD”.
You see, Gods good is much different than our good. It means perfect, flawless in every way, right, exactly what it’s supposed to be. So when He says that He is good and His plans for you are good, what He is saying is that He is perfect and His plans for us are flawless in every way. GOD IS GOOD!